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Squeeze : Snuggle : Sleep Better with Oishi Dolls

A good night's sleep is something millions of people all over the world would give anything to achieve.  Between stumbling to the bathroom at 2am and worrying about the stresses of everyday life, sometimes it's impossible to sleep deeply for 8 hours straight.  Many lay in bed, feeling anxious, watching their alarm clocks tick down the minutes until, all too suddenly, it's time to wake up.

How will you know when to wake up without an alarm clock, you ask?  With Oishi Dolls, of course!  These friendly, helpful, snazzily dressed dolls are the perfect companion to getting a full 8 hours of restful sleep.  Just slip an Oishi into the corner of your pillow and get tucked in for the night.  If you happen to wake in the middle of the night, don't open your eyes to check the time.  Simply reach up to your Oishi and give it a little squeeze!  Your doll will tell you the exact time, and you won't have to strain your eyes to take a bleary eyed look at your clock or cell phone.

And then when it's time to start your day, your Oishi also doubles as an alarm clock!  


There are six members of the Oishi Doll family, each with their own personality that appeals to troubled sleepers of all ages!  Small, soft and machine washable, they are helpful at home and on the go.  

It's time to swap out your alarm clock and snuggle in for a better night sleep with an Oishi!  Take one home today!